
Sunday 5 October 2014

Simplest Home Remedy for Festive Glow

Festive season is already in and we all want to look our best. But at the same time, this is that moment when excessive work load leave us tired n stressed out, without any time to pamper ourselves. 

I always plan for some skin care DIY on weekends, but my weekends are hardly spent at home it leisurely outings or routine household committments, I'm always overly occupied :(
But this morning, as I had a casual look at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth; I decided then-n-there that I need to take out time (few minutes atleast) for myself today... So here is how I managed to give my face n body a relaxing start of the day :)
I mainly used wheat husk that is an amazing exfoliant when you want to ditch dull skin in a hurry and brighten up your face with a healthy complexion.

4-5 tsp Wheat Bran (choker)
1 tbsp Honey
4-5 tsp milk
1 thick slice of cucumber 
Cut a thick slice of cucumber without peeling it off.
Rub it over your entire face and neck area in circular motions. It will help your skin in preparing for the cleansing procedure by opening up your facial pores and ultimately will lead you to extract maximum benefit. 
Then wipe your face n neck with a lukewarm cloth and gently pat it dry.
Now make a thick paste by mixing the wheat husk with enough milk and honey. 

Apply this paste on your face n neck and massage it for 5-7 minutes on your face with light pressure in gentle circular movements until your skin turns rosy pink :)
As the paste on your skin gets dried, rinse it off by rubbing with fresh water. 
The wheat husk will exfoliate old skin cells, while the honey and milk will moisturize your facial skin ... And the outcome is Softer, smoother skin instantly!

Those who have very dry skin can replace milk with milk-cream for better effects. And those who have oily skin can add few drops of lemon juice into the mixture as per their skin suitability.
2. Make the paste in proper consistency that effortlessly moves as per your hand movement. If its watery thin, you should add some more husk and if its extra thick then add some more milk.
3. I don't mind using this remedy on entire body by adding lemon juice in it, especially on exposed parts like arms n back bcoz i notice visible tan-reduction after its use.

I would love to read home remedies from my lovely readers in comments so that me and all other can be benefitted :)



  1. Replies
    1. my pleasure dear... will be posting more DIYs soon, so keep checking.

  2. I use gram flour, milk and turmeric to treat me skin. Thanks for the post Shilpa.

  3. Mine is normal skin, so i am gonna use this for sure,can rose water be added to this for fragrance


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