
Thursday 2 October 2014

Swachh Bharat - Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign at St.Soldier Mohali

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Based on one of the tenets of Mahatma Gandhi ‘SWACHH ABHIYAN’ or cleanliness drive is receiving a lot of attention nationwide. 
The CBSE Board has also been taking concerted steps to promote awareness about sanitation in schools because children deserve good sanitary practices such as clean school toilets, clean surroundings, and complete information on hygiene. Hence an all-out attempt was made at my son's school to have a clean environment.

The students of all age groups keenly participated to make it a grand success. To create awareness about Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Best Dressed Gandhi’ competition was held for the toddlers of Play Group to K.G.

Various activities like washing of handkerchief/socks, polishing shoes, cleaning bags , clipping the nails etc. on personal hygiene were conducted for Classes I & II students to teach them dignity of self-care.

Students of the Music Club composed and sang songs on cleanliness in and around the school led by toddlers dressed as Gandhi. Members of ‘Design for Change’ comittee took an initiative to get the dump yard removed from the school’s vicinity.

The members of the Health & Wellness  club took the initiative of cleaning the classrooms and the surrounding area of the school.The whole school took a pledge to keep their surroundings clean and green. 


  1. Its really a good cause every school should conduct these type of events

    1. I agree with you Ghun and if each of us realize to do a bit for environment, then our nation can breathe cleaner :)

  2. Kids only need direction and the way we direct them, they will do exactly the same.
    Swachh Bharat Tandurust Bharat

  3. Replies
    1. Its a pleasure to receive heart warming inputs from u,Sir :)


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