
Monday 19 January 2015

A Journey from ‘OR’ to ‘AND’

Let me begin by asking you ladies "How happy you honestly feel you are with your life?" Most of you would atleast spend few seconds to think before acclaiming "I am very happy with my life with no complaints".  Many women second this thought that they had been fed up being rolled like a ball from 'either This or That' to sacrifice their dreams n wishes, when it comes to make personal choices...
 She had been no better fortunate... but had no complaints to anyone rather always felt content with her family's happiness n progress. But there is always a time in every women's life when the only thing that helps her is her own DECISION. She had to take a stand that day to ditch "OR" and embrace "AND". She could not dare to abandon her first baby girl AND decided to escort the new life till her last breath.
The woman whom I am referring is my loving mommy who had the guts to have her say to keep her baby girl alive with all her inner willingness. And so I am here talking to you :)

I have li'l something to say about her how her "AND" formula worked miraculous for my life...

When she conceived me in her womb, she wrapped in her my body AND my organs.
When I was growing, she shaped my views AND my thought process.
When I was aspiring, she nurtured my dreams AND my talents.
When I stepped out, she counseled me well AND darted to check if my world was safe.  
When I was ready to accomplish, she honed my skills AND my career.
When I was in love, she welcomed him AND gave me happiness of lifetime.
Today, she regrets nothing, to see her daughter successful AND happy.
Her soft hands AND firm spirits I hold that guide me like none other.
Hey, I treasure the parts AND parcels of having an affectionate mother.

Mommy is the one who made my heart richer with this feeling that I can achieve a little bit of THIS & THAT & Everything Else, if determined. 
This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.

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