
Friday 1 May 2015

I Have Learnt To Live With Pride Now

I flip back a chapter of my life today to tell you the story of a low-confidence gal. I was not the same confident personality by birth. By the grace of God, I was blessed with physical fitness, but still I had a negative image of myself in my mind. This is the first time that I am openly accepting the fact that most of the time I used to refrain myself from doing a thing just because I had a sound echoing in my subconscious mind "I cannot excel in this and its not meant for me.." The constant feeling of comparing myself with everyone else in a negative way and then putting myself low had become a psychological stress that I was battling with ...This silent disease of my thoughts caused low self-esteem in me which in turn hindered my academic and social functioning to a greater extent (for which I am actually repenting till date).

Though its my only public confession here, it doesn't mean that nobody could notice my behavioural pattern that time. I never knew that I was under the scanner of those observant eyes most of the time; the eyes of a affectionate and concerned dad. I heard my dad talking about of challenges of his early life and the trial-plus-success instances he had undergone. It was his way of injecting the fuel of self-assurance in me to keep me high-spirited. He prompted me to engage myself in activities in which I had been more proficient at home as well as school and neighbourhood so that a sense of achievement pierce in me to blow away my apprehensions. He himself acted in the best possible manner to make me learn new things by imitating him and also taught me to learn from mistakes, admit my weaknesses and work on them to turn them into my strengths. There were incidents when teachers, friends and family members noticed remarkable changes in my attitude towards life. 

The struggle had not ended so easily, because stepping in adolescence gave me yet another reason to confine myself due to my fright of interacting with opposite gender. Dad was still there with his courageous words and practical advice for raising me into a confident person. As a trustworthy friend, he portrayed in front of me, an image of a girl who deserves all good things and can succeed in life without merciful advantages in her baggage. He demonstrated the appropriate manner to express myself and cautioned me not to explode with whatever is stuffed in my head-n-heart without striking a balance between various factors underlying in the situation. As some more maturity set in my personality, I eventually was able to open the tight lid suffocating my inner self and emerged as a well-behaved, bubbling with energy, brimming with confidence and responsible woman attributed to win over the toughest hurdles and living life without being dependent on others. 

The person whom you see in the pic below is the one who deserves the title of my Motivational Guru and so I take privilege to voice my feelings for #MyFamilyMyPride that -

"Apno Ko Apne Dum Par Jeena Sikhao, 

Aur Duniya Ke Liye Misaal Ban Jao" 
I hope many of you would be able to relate to my story.. but don't forget to watch this touching video by HDFCLife of a lovely dad-daughter duo like me n my dad :) :) 
 This post is exclusively written for Indiblogger's #IndiHappyHour #MyFamilyMyPride campaign in association with HDFCLife.


  1. I too suffer from low self esteem & really connected with your look wonderful with your dad <3

  2. I was loving this HDFC ad from beginning will never skip the ad when I watch it in TV :) You nicely related ur life with the ad!!
    Nicely compiled & heart touching post !!
    Nice pic of urs with your dad!
    From my childhood till now I have never felt low of myself and that is not by gods grace but becoz of my parents , since they have dont trail and error in all stages of life they showed me the succes path and boosted me with confidence when ever I struggle :) My dad is my role model , I adapt everything from him :) Im proud to be thr child and now striving hard in every step to make them feel proud of me!!
    #MyFamilyMyPride !!

  3. Shilpa, in life most of us are because of our parents positive guidance.What they teach us as kids really impact on us & helps us to build a stronger personality for our future. And indeed no body deserves a bigger hug & a Thank you more then our parents. And I feel the hardships our parents had seen in their childhood have not seen by us & I consider to be lucky & happy about that. Today I too would like to share that when I was a kid I used to be rude & had a jealously nature. But unlike me my moms nature was very opposite of mine. She was truly one person whom I used to see who was most caring and truly giving in her nature to everyone. Her nature was & is so friendly and helpful that she is loved by one and all, young and old. When somebody approaches her for help she will go out of her way to help that person who is in need. I don't know how and will never understand how she used to do it. She would never get angry or upset on any one even if the other person was rude or had never appreciated her inspite of her helping the other person in need. She was & still is one compassionate person. And that inspired me a lot as a kid & she still keeps inspiring me till date. I Love her more then anything & everything. And I consider myself the luckiest & blessed to have her in my life. Thank you, god! Seeing her behaviour & under her upbringing I definitely changed my nature & my outlook towards life & today I am such a friendly person that every body likes me & I too have got over my rude & jealously nature. Phew!!! Sorry Shilpa, this is your blog but I have ended up writing a lot I guess. But, hey your story was so inspiring that it motivated me to write too :) And that's a good thing, isn't it?

  4. Its great to hear your transformation yourself story with your dad's guidance.


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