
Sunday 5 July 2015

Why To Treat Wildlife Ethically and Conserve it?

God has bestowed upon us with the bounties of nature, biodiversity rich in flora and fauna. Unfortunately, to meet the fathomless demands of burgeoning population, our biodiversity is deteriorating, the concrete structures have replaced the luscious   grasslands and forests which provided habitat to thousands of wild animals. consequently, many species of wild animals have become extinct and others have been enlisted as endangered. The aftermath of urbanization and modernization is resulting in wiping out many rare species of wildlife like Blackbuck, Malabar Gliding Frog, Gharial, Indian Wild Ass, One-horned Rhinoceros, Bengal Tiger, Lion-tailed Macaque, Indian Hog Deer, Indian Bullfrog,Indian Wild Dog, Asiatic Elephant, Indian Peacock, Spectacled Cobra, Leopard, Asiatic Lioness and many more....
A lot of damage has been caused to the ecosystem already and before Mankind itself becomes extinct, we should take steps to conserve wildlife. The main objective to conserve wildlife is to make sure that their habitat will be preserved so that the future generations of both wildlife and humans can enjoy it. It will help in maintaining the ecological balance and ensure that survival of wildlife will promote biodiversity for a healthy functional ecosystem. If wildlife is extracted from its natural habitat, the delicate balance of ecosystem will be disrupted leading to disastrous results. For instance, there is a wide diversity of species living in topical rain forest. If any typical special should become extinct, the food chain will be disturbed affecting all humans as well.
Rich biodiversity implies enriching the planet which today is ailing due to reckless and avaricious activities of the most intelligent creature of the planet. One can learn a lot from animals which can benefit human race. Just imagine, a lot of medicines have been derived from the chemicals produced by animals. These medicines are then used to cure various health disorders and illnesses. Infact, based of the statistics provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, more than 25% of medicinal prescription given over years contain chemicals obtained from animals. Even the scientists are now researching if venom from pit viper can be used to cure the symptoms of Melanoma (a kind of skin cancer) and venom from a tarantula can help fight neurological disorders.
Wildlife, a treasure of uncultivated plants and undomesticated animals in all forms, is equally important for long term existence of human race. Therefore, conservation of wildlife is one of the most pressing environmental concerns today and seeks ethical treatment towards precious wildlife.


  1. This is a lovely post Shilpa. I think the fact that wild animals share the planet with us and so, it's their right to have the fair share of habitat and also who would like to always see human everywhere?
    Reading this post actually gave me such a good feeling.

    1. Thanks for encouraging me Nivedita :) Writing on such important and responsible issue made me feel special too.


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