
Sunday 30 August 2015

Hazy Sky and Crazy Food

When it's a day quite cloudy n misty out there, the feelings are not same as we have on a sunny day. I believe most people will agree with me. Life seems something else in such beautiful weather. The pains, sorrows, discomforts fade away for some time atleast. Joy and pleasure start flowing in your heart with positive energy. And when your head n heart are all soaked in heavenly surroundings, there comes a demand of some lip smacking food from your family to enjoy the rainy day. But hey, dare you think I am talking about those traditional snack offerings prepared by mom that most of us enjoyed in our childhood days like aaloo-pyaaz ke pakode, sooji ka halwa and stuffed bread pakodas. There were so simple delicacies to fit into our menu. But unfortunately, sitting down to a home cooked meal has become a forgotten story these days. Specially youngsters crave for convenience food or fast food that can be consumed posing in a style in party mood whatever is the situation...

It was that time of the year again..the season of hot masala tea, garma garam pakodas and rendezvous under umbrellas. I had just returned home from work while enjoying drizzling on the way...that the black stormy clouds covered the sky and the weather got dense with that grey sheet of rain... I was about to make tea for myself and mom that the doorbell rang repeatedly. I went into fury, about to shout on the person on the other side of the door, that I saw my brother and his friends all drenched in rain. Before I could even utter a word, they all ran inside to brother's room while my brother whispered in my ear "Di, you were telling me to avoid street food in monsoon and since it was pouring today, I thought we have a good reason to stay in with the aroma of sizzling snacks made by you. And please don't limit yourself to traditional pakodas..Do try something which makes the rains memorable.." It ignited the furious streak in me, but now it was a prestige issue for me. Mom came forward to offer her help in chopping, serving etc. Because despite being an amazing cook, she avoids experimenting with hip food items of today's trend. 

Anyhow, gazing at the overcast skies, I remembered my deity and decided to please this group of hungry tummies with mom's specialities with slight twist. On asking for their preferences, two of them even expressed their liking for non-veg stuff that I politely refused because ours is a purely vegetarian family. The boys readily agreed to my proposal of enjoying something spicy, tangy, sweet and sour that evening.

Mom quickly prepared lightly-fried pancakes in maple syrup and I topped it up with hot chocolate garnished with chopped nuts for a new variant. For that matter of crunchy delight, mom customized wheat tortilla by stuffing it veggies, corns and cheese mixed in sauces. Then to spice up the celebration at home, we served them crispy Daal Vadas which were made by mixing boiled chana daal (that was in process of cooking for lunch that afternoon), mashed potatoes, chopped onions and chillies. Expecting that the food tasted just the apt, mom n me entered the room and the boys were like "its been such a fulfilling party that we never expected can be managed at such short notice. Hats off to your culinary skills. You have proved that there is nothing you can’t handle - including our monsoon blues."

My food fix had been managed successfully with efforts of my supporting mom that day. Had she not been there, I definitely needed a savior and order food online...Yes! there are many mobile apps these days that save your day. One of such apps is TinyOwl that helps to get the food delivered at your doorstep.
TinyOwl app can be downloaded on devices supoorted by Android and iOS both. It solves your food hassles instantly and lets you search your location and cuisine smartly . No confusing menus to read, just the best dishes to order in a click. Making payment via COD, debit card or credit card is an added support. So delicious food is ready to to served in a blink of eye using your smart device and the awkward disgraceful moments are swept away from your life now onwards ;)
TinyOwl is here to change our food tales from good to better !!

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