
Friday 30 October 2015

Baby Skin Care Basics

'Baby Soft Skin' is what we refer to when talking about pampered and cared skin. The skin of a baby is as pure as your love. I remember how much I enjoyed rubbing my cheeks to my baby's soft cheeks. But at the same time, I was afraid not to irritate or hurt him. I always took extra care for keeping his skin buttery soft, and followed quite practical tips given by elders in my family ...

Baby Bathing:
Bathing my baby had been equally enjoyable time for me n my boy. I had been really considerate about the temperature of water used for bathing him. My mom-in-law recommended me not to use any baby cleansers in his initial months, because his immune system was still developing. Another care to be taken with baby's bathing routine had been to resist the urge to bathe him very frequently as too much bathing would chip away natural oils from his skin that are essential to protect softness of baby's skin.

Baby Massage:
The time that you do all the fun with your baby is the massage time. I truly treasure those uplifting moments when I could look into his eyes filled with love and felt closer to him day by day while giving him massage. The skin-to-skin touch therapy in rhythmic strokes worked wonder to keep him smiling at me all the time and made me feel more empowered as a mom. The payoff of every massage session resulted in his calm, less cranky behaviour and also maintained the suppleness of his soft skin. Remember to choose an ayurvedic, odorless massage oil for your infant.

Clothing Care:
Its a trend in my family to wash new clothes before they are worn, so it was followed for my newborn as well. There have been several friends and relative who gifted beautiful clothes for my baby and many of them wished to make the baby wear their gifted clothes in their presence. But I had been polite to them conveying my plea that we need to wash those clothes in special fragrance free, skin- friendly detergent to avoid any allergens affect my baby's skin.

Outside Excursion Care:
When your baby is around 12 months or so and is ready to see the world around crawling outside the set boundaries, its our job to watch out for the weather. I used to layer my baby with covered clothes and kept some sunscreen with inorganic filters handy that could be used occasionally, if exposure to sun can't be avoided. Moisturize the skin well in time.

Diapering Basics:
Be mindful of a gentle diapering routine for your little one, so that it doesn't teases him every time he needs a change. Never go for cheap quality diapers because they will be in direct contact with your baby skin for quite long and there is great chance of skin-rashes. I chose something as effective and protective as Pampers Dry Pants that kept my little one's skin dry by locking in the wetness due to its Magic Gel technology and proved to be #SoftestForBabySkin. Also be careful to clean your baby's bottom thoroughly and apply a good diaper cream, if required.

There are many more tips I want to share with you all, but will wind it up here and wait for yet another post to cover some more..

Happy Parenting!

Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy.


  1. This article was very informative and it seems very close to your heart. Thanks:)

    1. I am glad that u found the information useful. Its really close to my heart as I may recall and relive every precious moment of motherhood :)

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