
Sunday 13 December 2015

Zippy Zica Unveiled on Goa Greens

My association with Indiblogger has been a treasured one since the day I got to be one of its approved member. Indiblogger's wider reach among its readers is one of the reasons why I feel so special connecting with it. I regularly participate in IB activities and campaigns while penning down the topics it publishes. But there was something that I could never participate in and almost felt dejected for the same i.e. Indiblogger Meets. I always considered my fellow bloggers quite lucky when they cover the events conducted by IB with brands.
Recently, when I came across the Gear Up for Great campaign by Tata Motors that was inviting bloggers for a all-expenses paid trip to Goa, I couldn't resist my temptation to apply for it. To be honest, I barely had any hope to get shortlisted. And this is because I had completely forgot about it after applying. But to my utter surprise, my heart actually skipped a beat as I received a call from team IB on 24 Nov. evening asking whether I'm ready for a #madeofgreat Goa trip??
Before I could answer him, my brain started making calculations about will my hubby give me consent to travel alone, will he be able to manage my son in my absence and ofcourse will I be able to avail leave from office etc... I guess this trip and Indimeet was destined for me, so I could work out all my issues and sent my formal consent to team IB. There was still some doubt in my mind to make my way for the event. But all my anxiety got over in next 24 hrs, when the list of fortunate 60 bloggers was published on IB. Can't express how privileged it felt to see my name among those talented people on board. And then started my prep for Goa..I was literally day dreaming all the time about the Zippy Car to be unveiled before our eyes and the lush beautiful Goan land ...
Team IB took good care of all the travel and stay prior to the day of journey and also kept in touch via emails regarding event details.
And then the day finally arrived when I was ready to step in the Spicejet boeing aircraft.
Rising above the city of capital, I started capturing some glimpses of the tiny elements seen on Earth from that height...not only because I was enjoying every minute of my first flight, but it was strict instruction from my li'l boy to forward him the live happenings as soon as possible. ;)  And the pic below turned out to be one of his fav during my flight. I had forwarded him this pic via whatsapp asking "do you see something special in it?" And my boy could quickly point out the Bahai Lotus Temple in it :)
On the Goa Airport, the bloggers including myself were received by representatives of team IB as well as Tata Motors. The commute from airport to the resort Alila Diwa was very well managed in a luxurious van for all the bloggers in groups of 7-8 at a time.
Landing on the green land of Goa, the first thing that I could notice is the rise in temperature that was almost double as compared to Chandigarh ;) After a drive of almost 20 mins, we reached this exceptionally beautiful resort Alila Diwa.
All my fatigue vanished as I sipped in the fresh Kokum juice as the welcome drink. A quick registration on the reception and we checked into our spectacular rooms elegantly furnished with wooden flooring. A relaxing corner in the balcony was my fav corner to relax these two days that offered a soothing view of swaying palm trees...

The hungry souls then headed to the Spice Studio, the dining area of the resort, that served variety of delicious food and desserts. I could instantly relate the name 'Spice Studio' as I had a glimpse of many whole-spices displayed underneath a glass on the dining table. 
Some of us were eager to explore the resort property and other wanted to relax. I, being a photography enthusiast, decided to get into the groove and utilize my limited time of stay there.
In the midst of all the fun, the IB representatives humbly reminded us of the scheduled beach activities for the evening. And so it was time of creating another charming look for me ;) I wore a floor-length maxi dress and bedazzled it with a matching statement necklace. (we gals, you see..) 
Oh my my!! the breathtaking view of the Gonsua Beach in Majorda was calling us .. Super-charged for the memorable eve, we participated in challenges thrown on us in form of games and activities. 
Here I share yet another lovely pic where I scribbled a message for my li'l boy saying "Miss U Shamit" ... no wonder he loved it a load..
With so many wonderful people around and experiencing a blissful time, I had forgotten the world that worries me so much and I wanted to greet life with my arms open in a novel spirit all together different from my usual viewpoint. This candid moment spelled nothing less than Nirwana to me and I could breathe 'hope' n 'spirituality' deeper n deeper within me :) Needless to say, I cherish this moment above everything else.  
Returning back to the resort, a hi-tea invite came with the Karaoke night celebration along with a special presentation at the Locker Room. Frankly, it sounded bit strange to me to attend the presentation in the locker room and not at the conference room. But I knew team IB and Tata Motors masters the art of giving pleasant surprises. It didn't comes to my wildest imagination that a personalized section would be dedicated to each of 60 bloggers with blue Messi jersey and other cool goodies. Aww, my eyes didn't blink for a minute as I saw Cyrus Sahukar entering all dressed in the similar jersey .. The witty guy made everyone giggle with his signature comic style
Team Tata Motors revealed the journey of the making of Zica-The Zippy Car through a informative presentation and this was the most unexpected revelation when the wooden wall slided to one side and we could witness the beauty in Sunburst Orange right in front of our eyes!!
Day 1 ended with tummyfull food and soulful performances by fellow bloggers.. Before saying good night, everyone was asked to get ready early morning on Sunday morning forgetting the usual long sleeping hours ;) I had so much of excitement for the next day's drive that I seriously flipped in my bed all the night waiting to travel through the town in new Zica. 
Relishing the South Indian breakfast on the 6th arranged at Vivo, I met my team members outside the resort. 
Both the petrol and diesel variants of Zica were waiting for us to roar on the roads of Goa. I, with my team members Supriya and Abhishek, got into stylish new Zica after the flag off to gain the driving pleasure. 
Uff, Zica incorporates specs like any high-end vehicle encompassing advance safety features, multi-drive modes, excellent sound quality, rear parking sensors etc.  I exclusively loved the voice-controlled Navigation app and JukeCar app. I found the diesel model more refined than petrol one. The overall feel, comfort, design and performance of Zica spread a smile on our faces. 
Discovering the excellence of the automobile giant, I'm extremely impressed and my vote of trust goes in favour of Tata Motors once again. 
A selfie with the beauty was surely well-deserved before handing over it back to its owners :P 
No pleasures can replace the joy of such fulfilling moments...My heartfelt thanks to the entire team of Indiblogger and Tata Motors for making this #fantastico event happen and also to the humble staff of Alila Diwa for A-one hospitality. 
I swear everything we did on this weekend was wondrously #madeofgreat... and gave us a reason to keep our heads up :)


  1. This looks like a great fun meet up and product launch at the same time. :)

    1. Yes dear. we all enjoyed to the core and came home much more energized :)

  2. you look fab in all those western outfits

    1. I love styling all kinds of outfits that make me look graceful and not blind for fashion trends ;)

    2. which is why I love your sense of style <3

  3. I remember commenting on this on FB last year
    even though this post is dated - the happiness I feel seeing you flourish remains the same !

    1. feels humbled to receive so much of ur love <3

  4. Looking Fabulous (K)

    Every Picture Says u enjoy a lot in Goa :)


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