
Monday 29 February 2016

Climb Up High Fearlessly

The ladder of life is not as straight as you expect. The moment you find yourself calmly climbing the next step ahead, a crucial turn suddenly brings in twist in the story and puts you in a position when you are left with no choice than to accept the uncertainty. For most humans, 'certainty' is almost always preferable over 'uncertainty' because being trapped in insecurities of life makes us feel uncomfortable and our faith for life seems shattering to pieces.
How can I forget to mention the heart breaking episode of my boss's life when she got diagnosed with the life-threatening disease -Cancer. The ever-smiling face of the pretty lady had drooped to the deadliest feel. Even the possession of enough funds and support of advanced medical support were unable to make her stay hopeful as the outcome of treatment wasn't too certain and the sharp decline in her health due to the disease seemed her so very real. :( What do you think such broken heart could wish for?? Just an assurance from life, a hope and a reason to smile again...

The complex formula of life is not only tough when your life itself is at stake, but also when you are under prepared for taking up a challenge thrown by life with increasingly high fickleness. This is what I could witness when my cousin, chairing an International Bank in HongKong for many years, had to decide his come back to native place seeking parental support for wife's safe labor n delivery. His bright career prospects appeared paralyzed at the moment due to situation-induced anxiety and the path laying in his front looked worse than the one was leaving. Is that so easy for a hard-working young man to deal with disorder of life...

Such incident don't seem to leave anyone untouched actually. I remember my neighbour Chanda who was informed by her doc to have conceived with her first child with some abnormality. No mother is prepared ever for such painful news when she is ready to enjoy the heavenly experience of motherhood for the first time.

Don't these stories present life as a complicated recipe asking for ingredients you've not got in your easy reach. Well, yes! There is no disagreement that we cannot predict life’s uncertainty and insecurities swirling around all the time, but I bet we can definitely guarantee our whole-hearted effort to go forward fearlessly and come out as a winner. What does it take? A little foresight and some planning!
This inspiring clip from Birla Sun Life touches the similar aspect of our life stating that despite all the skepticism and dilemma, some thoughtful planning can make a big difference to tackle life's difficulties with ease. The vision of our life is simply to emphasize on #KhudKoKarBuland outlook because God helps those who help themselves and just by being your own support you may conquer the fears :)

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