
Thursday 26 May 2016

Potato Stuffed Idli - Recipe for Kids

Hi Mommies

One more quick recipe for your little ones that you can offer them without compromising in nutritional value. Its Potato stuffed Idli with only few ingredients that need not be purchased exclusively and are available in our kitchen all the time.

  • 1 cup Moong Daal (soaked overnight)
  • 1 cup Chana Daal (soaked overnight)
  • 3-4 Boiled and Mashed Potatoes 
  • 1 Onion (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp dried fenugreek leaves
  • 1 cup Curd/buttermilk
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking Oil
  • ENO salt- 1 pouch 
  • Water
1. Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped onions and saute it for 2-3 minutes. Don't let its crispiness lost. Add chilli powder, salt, turmeric powder and fenugreek leaves & mix well. Now add the mashed potatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes. The stuffing is ready.

2. Grind the soaked moong daal and chana daal together with some curd or buttermilk to prepare thick batter out of it. Add salt and chilli powder to taste. Grind it once more to blend uniformly.
3. Keep the Idli-mould ready by oiling it generously.

4. Now add one pouch of Eno salt to the batter prepared and stir it to instantly ferment the batter. Pour the batter on the idli moulds upto half its depth. Place a spoonful of stuffing over the batter and pour one more layer of batter to cover the stuffing.
5. Place the Idli stand in the steaming hot water in cooker and let the Idlis cook for around 10-15 minutes. Before you serve it, check by piercing a fork in idli if the batter doesn't stick to fork, its cooked properly.
6. Serve with green chutney or tomato ketchup.

P.S. you may make stuffing of vegetables of kids liking or can give it a different twist every time by adding or removing some veggies.

Hope the kids and mommies are enjoying!! Happy Cooking!!


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