
Thursday 1 September 2016

Freedom From Dampness - Finally Fixed It

'Rain and Romance' - do I need to say more about the 'season of love' ;) Wow! we all have those hanky-panky memories of monsoon that we created at some point of time in our life. Certainly when the droplets of water immerse us into monsoon nostalgia, we end up humming beautiful symphonies and live the moment in a world of dreams. But often rains literally spill water on our dreams when we get trapped in an undesired scenario.

When I got possession of my Dream House and I stepped in the property with high hopes in my heart, what I faced was a bitter reality. The damp patches appearing on some of the interior walls and ceiling of my washroom left me heart-broken and dumbstruck.
As per my knowledge, all buildings whatever their age is, contain moisture that usually comes from construction material used and from the air within the building. So I simply accepted the dampness in my home as 'normal' and chose to ignore the problem for financial reasons too. At the back of my mind, there was a feeling that the frequency of dampness will go down as monsoon moves to its ending phase.

Unfortunately, those damp patches gradually rose to a level of dripping ceiling and leaking walls which not only spoiled the appearance and structure of my home, but also created health hazards for my family members. Microscopic bacteria and fungi started landing in moist environment causing several allergic symptoms like nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, coughing, eye irritation, and skin irritation to otherwise healthy family members including myself.

I helplessly could have shed tears of disappointment for failure of defensive barriers within my property to keep moisture out, but the reference of Dr. Fixit from a dear friend turned out to be life-savior. Me and my husband fixed up a meeting with their dedicated technical experts for site inspection and they compiled swift solution and came up with recommendation reports in no time covering all my concerns.
A practically effective strategic plan was followed to implement the waterproofing techniques in and out of my house to control and further avoid the arrival of problem in future. Its been around an year or so that my house is now safe and sound without the threat of dampness and it spreads a smile on my face when I see this fun-filled, yet meaningful advert featuring Mr. Bachchan ;)
All said and done from my end, the lesson of the story is to -
"Fix The Dampness Permanently With A Promise of Dr. Fixit Waterproofing"


  1. Great ! Finally you fixed the issue :)

  2. My family has used Dr Fixit in the past and we love the results. This product actually lives up to all its claims. A great write up! :)

  3. Dampness is Biggest issue and really need to fix this


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