
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Inspiring My Students Disney Style

I've completed 15 years of being in Teaching profession this month (on 7th April) and in all these years, I explored so many new skills that I never knew I had in me.

I've been designated the Wardenship for the first time in this new academic session and I'm expected to enforce certain rules and regulations at the institution. In this process, one of my responsibility was to motivate the students by putting up some thoughtful ideas on the bulletin board at the corridor passage from where the students walk towards their respective classrooms.

Till date, I had seen and admired many of my colleagues exhibiting best of thoughts on this board, but what I had in my mind was something distinct than those strenuous quotes by famous personalities which the students of tender age find hard to relate. This Monday, I put up my bulletin board on the theme Disney and I was so joyous to find many students taking a halt near the board, reading and going ahead with a smile.

The idea was to present the simple yet inspiring dialogues of our favourite Disney characters that each of us should live by. So sharing with you how my board looked like...

I'm still waiting for the feedback of Head of the Institution on my idea to motivate students indirectly instead of imposing them to rote learning. But feeling happy that it is liked by those for whom it was created ;)


  1. Good thought dear. I don't know your head of institution liked it or not but I personally liked this idea very much. You know no matter how old we are but " Dil tho baccha he ji". Well thought keep it up!


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