Sunday 4 June 2017

Win Summer Special Skincare Kit - 3 Winners (Closed)

Hi All

As we all know summer brings a lot of skin problems along with it. One of the major problems which people face is Fungal Infection. So Ethinext Pharma has initiated #FightAgainstFungi campaign that aims at spreading awareness on how to prevent fungal infection and how to get rid of it.The brand has come forward by creating a video as an instruction guide for the patients of fungal infection and is paying back to society by donating Rs. 2/- against each unit sale of any anti-fungal product of Ethinext Pharma in association with Pratham Council for Vulnerable Children. 
This contest is also being organized to get support from my readers for this noble cause. You can play the contest on ANY ONE or ALL of the platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

For Facebook:
Follow Alive n Kicking and Ethicare Remedies. Share the giveaway post (public) on your timeline with hashtags #FightAgainstFungi and #Aliveandkicking & tag your friends.
For Twitter:
Follow artisanme79 and Ethicare Remedies. Retweet the giveaway post (public) with hashtags #FightAgainstFungi and #Aliveandkicking & tag your friends.
For Instagram:
Follow shilpabindlish and Ethicare Remedies on Instagram. Repost the giveaway post (public) with hashtags #FightAgainstFungi and #Aliveandkicking & tag your friends.

For brownie points:
Share this yourtube video on any of the platform with hashtags #FightAgainstFungi and #Aliveandkicking

3 most active winners will be selected randomly (one on each platform) and they will receive a summer special skincare kit including the products-

Leave a comment on this post mentioning "participated on FB/Twitter/IG".
Giveaway will remain open for a week from 04 June to 11 June and is valid for Indian residents. The prize kits will be dispatched by the sponsor brand and I won't be held responsible for any loss/damage in transit.

Winners Update (13.06.2017)
Facebook: Hema Labaniya
Twitter: Rameshwari Bansod
Instagram: Nidhi Narang

The winners are requested to send me their complete postal details with contact number via DM to claim your prize.


  1. Done on all platforms , shared YouTube video on FB, Twitter and Google+
    Wish to b lucky 🀞🀞

  2. Participated on all platforms ☺

  3. Done and shared on all platforms

  4. Alive n Kicking Ethicare Remedies #FightAgainstFungi #Giveaway #contest #Aliveandkicking done all steps Facebook, Twitter & Instagrame entry very much enjoy thanks for organize giveaway and giving opportunity for winning useful gifts hamper :)

  5. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!
    Done on instagram -Sujata00

  6. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!
    Done on instagram!

  7. Participated! Can't wait for the winners to be announced. Fingers crossed :)

  8. Thanks for selecting me as winner

  9. Congratulations winners πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’


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