
Monday 11 June 2018

Simple Philosophy of My Son's Father About Their Relationship

A woman falls in love with a man first for his enduring love that he holds in his heart for the lady. I found my someone 'special' back in 2002.... a graceful man (who was a carefree boy then) who possessed the traits of being caring, nurturing, sensitive and sensible at the same time besides being good-looking. lolz. Obviously, I was on Cloud Nine to be someone's 'first priority'. 

Soon after, I got to dig up something more about his personality, when I stepped into the motherhood phase. He was always there to help me chase my dreams and to cheer me up on my little accomplishments when motherhood-guilt hit me hard and I wanted to give up on my ambitions. 
Year 2006
Fast forward to the phase at present, when this man has emerged as a responsible father to his pre-teen son; I see him being more than just a custodial parent rather a buddy somewhat older in age, who is consistently stimulating reasons of interactions for his introvert boy to be more vocal and expressive.

'A father should readily respond to the cries and needs of his child.' - we agree, but only to certain extent. The father-son relationship is a conscious process of connection; but he chose to mentor his little one through living the life in such a manner that could set an example for him to decide what to learn or unlearn without dictating plain theories. 

Well! in most families, the focus is on attachment of parents-children, as it directly influences child's development. But according to my husband, a state of over-attachment is unhealthy and has an unfavourable impact when you hold tight on your child. His ideology is to let your child struggle with age-appropriate challenges leading him to be self-reliant gradually.

My husband never misses to praise every incremental step of our son towards moving out into the world independently, however small it is. Because there is no better way to help boost your child's self-esteem through reassurance. 

A maturing adolescent son who sometimes feels low for varied reasons, be it his looks or his academic scores or his inability to be socially confident with strangers, needs his father's guidance to raise his level of self-acceptance. Actually my husband has evoked this courage in me now to start believing that our boy will do well in life with his determined approach that seemed really tough at a stage. With his father's trust in him, I witness my son becoming more of a modulated person in harmony with our limited means but our boundless hopes :)

Believe me, the presence of a father in any child's life is beyond the pay-cheque that he brings home. Every little move you make to create an environment at home for a well-knitted family puts some more fuel to keep the warmth of your family-bond sparked longer & the role of a father is certainly irreplaceable.  
Year 2018
This post is a part of a Father’s Day themed blog train where 24 bloggers have voiced their hearty feeling for their #SuperHero i.e. their fathers. Two of the talented Parenting and Lifestyle bloggers Priyanka Patwari of Flavors of World and Preety Tiwari of Delhi Blogger are the hosts of this blog train.
This train travelling through last station Mish Prima Donna of Shilpi has today stopped here. Thank you all for taking time to admire the beauty of my junction and let's get ready for another halt at panoramic station Panoramic Ripples of Aditi tomorrow morning.


  1. SHILPA.. U wrote so well. That's the perfect bonding though. I loved reading it. Keep posting

  2. A boy becomes a man only when he's blessed with a child. Be it responsibilities or affection fatherhood is a blessing:)


  3. Father-daughter relationship is cherished for a lifetime.Such a relatable blog this was.. our dad’s are our eternal love and super hero

  4. Very nicely written about a father son relationship. Anyone can relate with this.

  5. Very nicely written. Father's bond with kids is a different kind. They learn while they play. They are really #SuperHero for their child

  6. #superhero

    Nicely written.. It's a special bond every dad shares with his children.

  7. Presence of father in child's life plays an important role. The kid most of the follow the footstep of his father.You have beautifully knitted the bond of father and son. Fathers are always #SuperHero

  8. I really liked it, you've done a great job with this blog. Keep it up!!!!!

  9. I agree with your hubby, over attachment is unhealthy for a kid. Kids should learn to struggle in each step. It will increase there self confidence & improve there strength to face any situation. Interesting blog.

  10. You are lucky if you have a good and supportive father. :) Your hubby is doing the perfect job. I also encourage my kid for small small things because I believe it will help him to be more confident in life.

  11. Encouragement is the best key of successful life. His small small encouragement will makes ur son a super gentleman..

  12. Very well written, a father should always share special bond wihd kids. This will help the kid to grow emptionalle

  13. Totally agree with your thoughts,kids have a special bond with their father and it's irreplaceable,your pics are really adorable I can see the love of this father son duo. Nicely written

  14. Loved the way you have written and it is so important for husband to be supportive and be there for kids as much as us mums


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