
Monday 26 November 2018

My Indescribable First Time Mommyhood Feelings

"You never understand life until it grows inside of you."
Beautiful thought...isn't it? I bet most women who have given birth would relate to it. Pregnancy is the time when a woman is at her happiest yet most anxious self. As I came across this touching video, I couldn't help recalling the transitional time of my life...

It was the morning of January 13th of that blessed year when I was standing in the washroom holding that home-pregnancy test kit in my hand with 'positive' indication. Finding out that I'm pregnant had been exhilarating and frightening at the same time. A whole spectrum of feelings from sheer joy to outright terror ran into my heart in that one moment. While stepping out of the washroom made me feel like I'm stepping into a different world of emotions. With a bit of panic in my voice, when I shared the news with my husband and saw his joyous reaction, that’s when I knew it was the time for us to step into the next chapter of our lives 'together'. 

Right after the announcement of pregnancy, all kinds of anxieties kicked in. Women around me who were already moms would share their experiences of pregnancy and childbirth so vividly with me; but none of the advices seem adequate to subside my fear. As a few weeks passed by, I started feeling how incredibly thankful I was to God for the blessing of carrying a child. Unlike many first time moms, I was happy with the change that my body was showing to accommodate my growing baby. I believed that being pregnant is carrying a blessing in my belly. The next few months were totally devoted to indulge in self-care to allow the baby grow inside my body. It gave me a sense of pride, a holy feeling that I've a 'new life' all tucked up safely inside me. Infact, despite all those crazy hormonal changes, I had been much tougher than I sometimes gave myself credit for.

My significant other managed to do all preparations in-time as the due date was approaching to avoid forgetting anything important at the moment. We were so eager to meet the little guy who has been kicking me inside and moving around for months. ;) 

Finally the moment arrived when hearing the little one’s heartbeat was a huge relief for the expecting family. I broke into tears when I cradled the little creature in my arms for the first time. Believe me, the profound feeling of giving birth is unparallelled to anything in whole universe. It was like being rewarded by Heavens with something so pure and virtuous for all your good deeds. 
Since my baby was a preemie, I was advised by my gynaecologist to use only chemical-free, skin friendly products for my little one as he was more prone to infections than full-term babies. Since we stayed at the hospital for two weeks and the baby was not supposed to be bathed everyday, we were recommended extra-soft baby wipes from India’s #FirstWaterWipes brand Mother Sparsh to clean my baby's hands, feet, face and bottom whenever required.

These parabens and alcohol free baby wipes with neither disturbed pH balance of baby's delicate skin nor caused him skin allergies because these are made of 98% water and plant based fabric. For a #FirstTimeMom, it was no less than a gift to find such a thoughtful product that could meet newborn's needs. Since then, it was a staple item in my baby's diaper kit. For the new mommies, I would recommend to avoid ordinary baby wipes loaded with allergens and use Mother Sparsh water based wipes to offer goodness of Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to your new born. Now it's available to purchase online as well. 

Wishing all moms and moms-to-be a happy motherhood journey ahead!