
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Open Doors to New Opportunities With TUBBR Networking

'Networking' is quite a well-favoured term in today's digital world. And why not! it is because of networking that we can provide beneficial support to each other and survive in this competitive world relatively easily. For the content creators like me, it becomes more important that we should invest time and effort into getting our networking right and with the like-minded people.

I always dreamt of having an access to some software or app that could bring in 'relevance' into my existing networking which is above and beyond just following each other. Recently, I came across an interesting app called TUBBR which is world’s first Personal Social Network. By the term Personal social network, don't visualize it as a Private Network that restricts building working relationships.
Rather, it's referred as personal for the reason that it gives a user complete control over his content to what his followers/subscribers should be allowed to see.
Basically, TUBBR is a platform to showcase your creative content in form of stories which are published on your Walls. The walls, which are usually theme-oriented, can be given visibility as per your preference like Personal, Public. You can also collaborate and co-create with people on specific things you are passionte about. Even two individuals can have their very own private timeline to share their moments & stories and keep them to themselves.

When I bagan publishing my content initially, I had no idea how much admiration it may get in terms of number of subscribers and reactions of my stories. Really it's a great boost for an influencer when you get relevant audience instead of spammers ;) I owe some good professional connections to this app. I must admit how convenient yet rewarding TUBBR is.
I would recommend all the content creators to download TUBBR networking app because the key to gain higher visibility is 'appropriate networking'. Using TUBBR on your smartphone, you can upload your content on-the-go in a matter of few minutes.
If you're wondering how to go about being a part of this huge family of content creators on TUBBR, here is a video tutorial that briefs you on the central idea. I hope I could excite you enough to start using this app. But here is a catch, TUBBR currently is available only through exclusive invites. It simply means you have to request for an Access Code before you jump-in for the fun. Fikar not, I'm here to offer fellow writers, bloggers and followers to download the app by clicking here on using my TUBBR Access Code i.e. WEFD98. Remember to be the first one to join as I have only 100 limited invites. Once a new user joins the TUBBR family, 5 exclusive invites are allotted to the user to bring others onboard. Isn't it so cool!!
I think I had shared every required insight of TUBBR to bring you on board. I'll be excitedly waiting to subscribe you for some awesome content and expand my support network. The bottomline is that taking active steps towards building and maintaining a network is essential to influence things positively.

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